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WJWC urge the immediate release of female journalists and political prisoners

On March 8, International Women's Day, we at Women Journalists Without Chains urge the immediate release of female journalists and political prisoners

WJWC urge the immediate release of female journalists and political prisoners

Journalist Hanane Bakour is still being harassed by Moroccan authorities

Journalist Hanane Bakour is still being harassed by Moroccan authorities, who have yet again scheduled her trial for April 10, 2023.

Journalist Hanane Bakour is still being harassed by Moroccan authorities

The Moroccan journalist Omar A1-Radi was convicted of several charges

The Moroccan journalist Omar A1-Radi was convicted of several six-years prison sentence by the court of Appeal in Casablanca in March 2022.

The Moroccan journalist Omar A1-Radi was convicted of several charges

WJWC condemns breaking into Yemeni Journalists Syndicate building in Aden

Women Journalists Without Chains (WJWC) condemns and denounces the storming of the Journalists Syndicate building in Aden, its seizure, and intimidation of its employees, and holds the Southern Transitional Council fully responsible.

WJWC condemns  breaking into Yemeni Journalists Syndicate building in Aden

WJWC calls for release of journalist Boutar

The journalist Noureddine Boutar serving as the director of the radio station and news website Mosaique FM has been arrested in Tunisia for reasons related to the radio’s editorial policy, according to his lawyer Dalila Mosaddeq.

WJWC calls for release of journalist Boutar

WJWC calls for freedom for Hisham Abdelaziz and his fellow detainees in Egyptian jails

Egyptian authorities continue to prevent the detained journalist, Hisham Abdelaziz, from access to necessary medical care as his health worsens, amid growing fears of the risk of his vision loss after becoming deaf, in a flagrant violation of local laws and international conventions.

WJWC calls for freedom for Hisham Abdelaziz and his fellow detainees in Egyptian jails

Sudanese journalist El Ajeb receives threat and WJWC condemns

The Women Journalists Without Chains (WJWC) has denounced the imprisonment threat from a cabinet minister to the Sudanese journalist Abdelrahman El Ajeb for reasons related to his journalistic work.

Sudanese journalist El Ajeb receives threat and WJWC condemns

WJWC calls on UAE authorities to refrain from confiscating public freedoms and repeal recent penal code

The Women Journalists Without Chains has called on the UAE to stop the crackdown on public freedoms, release prisoners of conscience, abolish the new Penal Code, the Cybercrime Law, and all laws that conflict with international standards, and with Article 30 of the UAE Constitution, whereby freedom of opinion and expressing it verbally or in writing or by other means shall be guaranteed within the limits of the law.

WJWC calls on UAE authorities to refrain from confiscating public freedoms and repeal recent penal code

WJWC condemns arrest of Secretary General of Somali Journalists Syndicate

The WJWC has strongly condemned the arrest of the Secretary General of the Somali Journalists Syndicate, and demanded the Somali authorities for the immediate release of the detained journalists, including the Syndicate's Secretary General, Abdalle Ahmed Mumin.

WJWC condemns arrest of Secretary General of Somali Journalists Syndicate

WJWC condemn incitement against branch head of Yemeni Syndicate of Journalists in Aden

Women Journalists Without Chains (WJWC) renews its strong condemnation and denunciation of the separatist Southern Transitional Council’s militia for such dangerous practices against journalists, professional and union leaders and media institutions in Aden.

WJWC condemn incitement against branch head of Yemeni Syndicate of Journalists in Aden