Houthi fabricated report: Journalists have not been tortured

Houthi fabricated report: Journalists have not been tortured

Yemeni Journalists Syndicate (YJS) on Saturday said the attorney general appointed by the Iran-backed Houthi militia fabricated “a deceptive and false report”, which claims that the journalists abducted in Houthi jails have not been tortured during their stay in political security-affiliated prisons.

A committee formed by order of the pro-Houthi attorney general visited the journalists and compelled them to sign a false and fabricated report, according to information obtained by YJS.

The journalists’ union categorically rejected the report and the so-called devious tactics in dealing with the abductees who were under compulsion to sign a fake report.

“Instead of letting international human rights organizations themselves visit the kidnapped colleagues and being informed about the fact of torture against the abductees, this attorney general issued a statement demanding international organizations to adopt the fabricated report prepared by his formed committee,” YJS said in a statement.

The affiliate of IFJ added that what should have been done was to hold accountable every perpetrator involved in the abduction and torture of journalists for more than a year and a half without any legal justification.

It also pointed out that the public prosecution along with the public prosecutor are partners in crime.

The Committee formed by the public prosecution had met with reporters and stated that the imprisoned journalists have never been subjected to any torture throughout the period of their presence in the headquarters of the political security.

The Houthi-run version of Yemen News Agency (SABA) in Sana’a said the attorney general instructed to quickly refer the accused to the public prosecution for investigation as to charges against them, or release them in case they were not proven guilty.


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