IFJ: Pressure should be put to end the targeting of media freedoms in Yemen

IFJ: Pressure should be put to end the targeting of media freedoms in Yemen

The International Federation of Journalists has demanded to end killings, attacks and threats committed by militias of the Houthis and ousted President Ali Abdullah Saleh against Yemeni journalists.

IFJ General Secretary Anthony Bellanger said: " All international organizations concerned with freedom of opinion should loudly and forcefully express their solidarity with the Yemeni press and journalists and put pressure to end the systematic targeting of media freedoms in Yemen".

“We demand an end to these killings, attacks and threats. Journalists are not combatants and they should not be dragged in to the conflict. Journalists must be allowed to work free from the systematic targeting media which creates such a bleak scenario for media freedom" he added.

Bellanger pointed out that IFJ backs calls by the YJS on all parties not to involve journalists in the political conflict, and for the release of all detained journalists held by the Houthi militias.

IFJ spelt out that dozens of murders, abductions, disappearances, jailing and assaults added to a grim toll of more than 100 press freedom violations in Yemen in the first half of 2016.

It is worth reclaiming that the Yemeni Journalists Syndicate (YJS) documented, in its report covering the six-months up to the end of June 2016, six cases of murders, 11 cases of tortures, 24 cases of abductions, seizures, pursuits and disappearance, 13 cases of threats and incitements against journalists, 12 cases of assaults against journalists and press companies, 13 cases of blocking internal and external websites, 10 attempted murders, 7 cases of suspension and dismissal and two cases of confiscating belongings of journalists and newspapers.

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