"Mothers of Abductees” denounces vicious assault on members in front of the United Nations Headquarters

"Mothers of Abductees” denounces vicious assault on members in front of the United Nations Headquarters

The association of “Mothers of the abductees" has condemned the blatant attack on a group of women while they were ready to stage a protest for the release of their sons abducted in Houthi jails in front of the headquarters of the United Nations Mission in Yemen’s rebel-controlled capital Sana’a coinciding with the visit of UN special envoy to Sana’a.

In a press release issued on Sunday, “Mothers of abductees” said that armed elements belonging to the Houthi militia and ousted president Saleh allied with it beat them with rifle butts, grabbed them by their veils pulling them to the floor, confiscated their mobile phones and uttered obscenities.

The association asserted that what has happened is incompatible with both humanitarian and ethical meanings and wholly inconsistent with the values of society and its customs and traditions characterized by chivalry and magnanimity.

They also sent a message to the world and to the United Nations as seen as primarily responsible for the protection of human rights, saying, “We are trying to convey our voice to you, asking about your position on what happened today to abductees’ wives, mothers and daughters who were unprecedentedly and indecently assaulted in front of your headquarters.”

"What do organizations of human rights and civil society think of what happened today? Fighting for dignity of women is on your top priority, isn’t? What do local and international media outlets say about it?" Mothers of Abductees wondered.

The statement explained that the systematic human rights abuse against abductees, relatives and defenders by militias of Houthis and ousted president is nothing but a clear message that the issue of abductees and those forcibly disappeared is tied to unjust political bargaining.

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