Representative of Turkish Relief Agency visits WJWC

Representative of Turkish Relief Agency visits WJWC

Women Journalists Without Chains (WJWC) hosted on Saturday the representative of the Turkish Relief Agency and President of The Felicity Party Dr.

Omar Farouq who is currently visiting Yemen with the aim of observing the assistances provided by the Turkish Relief Authority.

In the meeting attended by MPs, representatives of civil society organizations and journalists, Farouq affirmed the importance of the civil society organizations and its prominent role in making democratic and social progress, stressing the participation as active partners in the society.

He said that the civil society organizations play major roles in Turkey, asserting that they are more active than political parties, citing that they started to work overseas in 2000, indicating that the Turkish laws allowed them to work outside the country before this date.

He stressed the importance of strengthening the civil society away from the government' impact, indicating they may cooperate sometimes and stressing that the civil society should observe the government's performance.


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