WJWC delivers speech of CSOs at Islah's party's fourth congress

WJWC delivers speech of CSOs at Islah's party's fourth congress

Good morning. Though attempts are made to target you and make you feeldisappointed and frustrated and the state leaders ignore all recommendations you come up with during your last congress, you are presenting this wonderful democratic scene. Though all these obstacles and the dearth of resources, your fourth congress shows the same enthusiasm and determination. It is also followed up at the local and international level.

We are highly appreciating your efforts which add a special momentum and flavor for the political life which will not be as wonderful and vital as it is now without your participation.
We are lauding your moderate approach which get the nation out of the woes of terrorism and extremism.
We are welcoming your peaceful struggle and adoption this slogan "the peaceful struggle is our approach to a comprehensive reform" for your fourth congress.
You are actually great because you convert words into deeds, you are great because you are present and able to be available everywhere in the country. You are great because you are ready for sacrifice.
You chose this difficult approach; it’s the peaceful struggle with all manifestations and conditions, it is the approach which accepts the cultures of others and creates partnership with them. Your approach resulted in fruitful outcomes. We watch, with great admiration, your struggle to translate this approach into realities after you spread it culturally.
The coalition of the Joint Meeting Parties was one result of your struggle. The Joint Meeting Parties coalition started to issue joint stances and statements regarding different issues. It is your project which aims to a comprehensive political reforms and coordination in elections amid the Joint Meeting Parties. This is a great achievement which deserves a special praise.
The Joint Meeting Parties collation which the Islah party is a main component of it is one of the most important contemporary political realities in Yemen, as the martyr Jar-Allah Omar predicated during your third congress. In order to be fair, we should not look at your coalition as a temporary electoral coalition. This coalition emerged as a result of the acceptance of pluralism and diversity principles. It came as a result of your faith in the peaceful struggle as the only way to the peaceful transfer of power.
When those people who do not admire this coalition started repeating their saying "Have the Islah party disbelieved or the Yemeni Socialist Party converted to Islam",they show their hatred towards this experience which will have its reflections on the political life in Yemen as a whole.
Dear ladies and gentlemen:
Yemenis look at your coalition as a safety valve for the national unity and social peace. This coalition represents diversity and presence and has clear-cut objectives. All these things make the Joint Meeting Parties efficient to take the county away from woes of divisions which often plague nations into conflicts and wars. Actually, your experience of crating the Joint Meeting Parties deserves to be praised.
Dear ladies and gentlemen, delegates of the Islah party's fourth congress:
We are, the Alliance of Civil Society Organizations in general and Women Journalists Without Chains in particular, praise your efforts and we are proud of the unprecedented participation of women at your congress which preceded 15 % of the participants. While we commend this participation, we hope that women will have their a fair share of leading positions inside different departments of your party.
Dear ladies and gentlemen, the Islah party is considered the most recruiter of Yemeni women who played fantastic roles as active members. Women of the Islah party had done well in encouraging people to go to the ballot and showed their distinction during election campaigns.
We are expecting that you will help women participate as candidates in different aspects of political and public life. We wish that women could have a real participation, and not to be used as a décor.
Ladies and gentlemen:
Civil society organizations are looking forward that you will strongly support their issues. You should cooperate with civil society organizations to revoke the veto put on civil society organizations as the competent authorities refuse to grant licenses to most of them. This prevents the multiplicity and diversity of CSOs contributes on their limitation and deprivation of the growth and expansion.
We expect that you struggle to cancel the law of demonstration which allows only to those protests authorized by the government. The deprivation of political parties, organizations and trade unions of the right to demonstrate means depriving all of us of the most important means of expression and peaceful protest.
Such this law may push people to resort to violence to express their resentment. We strongly reject such approach, but it may be justified.
We also hope that you struggle in order to approve the right of possessing audio, visual media by individuals, organizations and parties.
It is your rights, dear ladies and gentlemen, to have private radios and TVs to address the people and broadcast your shows, programs and visions. It is no longer acceptable or advisable that some of your followers secretly distribute cassettes during elections while police vehicles come to purse your members as if they are smugglers or drug dealers.
Dear ladies and gentlemen:
We have trust that the stage of striking temporary deals which do not result in fruitful outcomes.
We call you to make among your priorities at any dialogue the increase of freedom margin and institutionalizing the political system with mechanisms which ensure the creation of good governance.
We want the dialogue to come up with outcomes which guarantee participation, transparency and the rule of law. We do not want the dialogue to address temporary issues which are caused by the regime's wrong policies. If these main issues are not included at any potential dialogue, then it will be a superficial dialogue which does not tackle our real ailments.
Ladies and gentlemen:
Let us bet that you are the original extension of renewal and reform tends which Yemen witnessed in our recent time such as al-Shawkani, Ibn al-Ameer al-Sanani, al-Zubari, al-Nuaman, al-Mushiki , al-Baihaniand other personalities of the Yemeni National Movement who resisted the colonialism and imamate. All of these personalities called for a political system which ensures equal citizenship and coexistence.
Finally: We, at the civil society organizations, call you to express your solidarity with the most important rights and issues across Yemen. You should support the issues of al-Ja'ashin displaced persons, HamdanDarsi and Ansah al-Shuaibi. They were subjected to oppression by those who tried to enslave them.
Thank you very much
On behalf of the Civil Society Alliance,
Tawkol Abdul-Salam Karman,
Chairwoman of Women Journalists Without Chains


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