Women Journalists Without Chains expresses concern over gross violations against detainees in prisons of Houthis and Saleh

Women Journalists Without Chains expresses concern over gross violations against detainees in prisons of Houthis and Saleh

Women Journalists Without Chains expresses deep concern at the continuation of physical and psychological torture politicians, journalists, human rights activists and detainees are being subjected to in prisons of the militias of Houthis and Saleh, where more than 24 detainees have died as a result of torture; some have been used as human shields.

The WJWC sees the brutal torture and murder of detainees as crimes against humanity and a flagrant violation of both international conventions and treaties on the treatment of prisoners and detainees. It affirms that such criminal acts show the militias’ inhuman and vengeful behavior against citizens and that they (the militias) are fully responsible for gross violations against detainees.

The organization reiterates the call to release all political prisoners and journalists in the militias’ prisons, with an emphasis on the need to form a neutral commission of inquiry in order to conduct an investigation into those crimes, expose the perpetrators and bring them to trial for deterrent punishment.

It also welcomes the resolution issued by the Human Rights Council of United Nations to support the national independent commission of inquiry to establish the facts and circumstances of any violations and abuses in Yemen, and provide substantive technical assistance and advice to enable the national commission to complete its investigatory work.

Declaring full and firm solidarity and standing up for victims, WJWC calls upon all local and international human rights organizations, mainly UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, to condemn the serious violations against detainees and have humanitarian and moral duty to act at all levels and press for the release of all detainees.


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