YJS: Killers of journalists will never go unpunished

YJS: Killers of journalists will never go unpunished

YJS has confirmed that killers of journalists will not go unpunished and that there is no statute of limitations on such crimes, vowing to work hard to subject the perpetrators to the law of justice.

This came in a statement issued by Yemen’s Journalists’ Syndicate on the occasion of the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists, which falls on November 2 each year as endorsed by the United Nations General Assembly during its sixty-eighth session in 2013.

It explained in its statement that this year’s occasion coincides with serious conditions experienced by journalists and journalism in Yemen where 18 reporters and photographers were killed during 2015 and the ten months of this year, including eight journalists killed this year.

In this context, YIS stressed the need to release 16 journalists, including 15 of them kidnapped by the Houthi militia and one by al-Qaeda in Hadramout, referring that all of them have been under dangerous conditions in detention where they are subjected to physical and mental torture.

During this year’s campaign launched on the occasion of the International Day to counter impunity for crimes against journalists, the International Federation of Journalists has focused on four countries, including Yemen (the other three countries are India, Pakistan, and Mexico).

In the absence of the other opinion and the other voice, Yemen’s press and media, as YJS mentioned, unprecedentedly suffer from security risks and difficult economic conditions Yemen has never seen for more than a quarter of a century.

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