
Syrian Journalist Bakr al-Qassem Arrested by Syrian National Army

Syrian Journalist Bakr al-Qassem Arrested by Syrian National Army

Syrian journalist Bakr al-Qassem was arrested by the Syrian National Army on August 26, 2024, while returning from covering events in northern Syria.

His wife, Nabiha Taha, was released but remains unable to contact al-Qassem, who has not secured legal representation.

Women Journalists Without Chains condemns al-Qassem's arrest and demands his immediate release. The group warns the interim government of the Syrian opposition coalition against emulating Bashar al-Assad's dictatorial regime and urges them to uphold journalistic freedom.

Al-Qassem, 29, and Taha, 25, were detained by military police at the Aleppo roundabout near the al-Hal market in al-Bab. Witnesses report soldiers identified al-Qassem before separating the couple and placing them in different vehicles. Taha was released hours later after interrogation, while al-Qassem's whereabouts remain unknown.

Working for Agence France-Presse (AFP) and the Turkish Anadolu Agency, al-Qassem had the necessary permits to operate as a journalist. According to AFP, he was arrested without explanation and reportedly beaten while inquiring about the reasons for his detention. The head of the interim government claims ignorance regarding the incident.

Following his arrest, military forces raided al-Qassem's home, confiscating his storage units and cameras. He was reportedly transferred to the "Hawr Kilis" area and handed over to Turkish intelligence.

Women Journalists Without Chains expresses concern over reports of al-Qassem's transfer to a Turkish intelligence prison, reminiscent of a similar case involving media activist Karam Keliya, who was arrested on June 26 in al-Rai and is also unaccounted for. 

The organization has reached out to the Turkish mission to the United Nations for comment on al-Qassem's detention but has yet to receive a response. it strongly condemns the arrests of both al-Qassem and Keliya, calling for their immediate release. 

"The Syrian opposition factions and their allies must cease mimicking the Bashar al-Assad regime's tactics against independent journalism," the organization stated. It urges the Syrian Interim Government to respect freedom of expression and protect independent journalism, which faces increasing harassment and suppression.

Released by:
Women Journalists Without Chains
September 1, 2024

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