WJWC condemns threats and harassment of journalists in Aden

The Women Journalists Without Chains (WJWC) condemns the threats against journalist Fouad Mus’ed, and arbitrary measures taken to prevent him and some other colleagues from being interviewed by satellite channels' broadcasting offices located in the Aden city under the control of the southern transitional council's militias.
While the WJWC strongly denounces the threats against the journalist Mus’ed and his fellow journalists and the illegal actions to prevent them from exercising their human right to express opinions and doing their professional job, it looks at such actions as a value bankruptcy that reflects a poor reality that will destroy what’s left of freedom of opinion and expression.
As the WJWC expresses its full solidarity with journalist Fouad Mus’ed and with all journalists subjected to violations, it warns against any infringements upon their lives, holds the STC fully responsible for what may happen to them, and urges the official authorities to carry out their constitutional and legal duty to protect journalists and prevent attacks against them.
The STC militias’ nonstop attacks, strict restrictions and harassment against journalists on an almost daily basis reflects the extent of the excessive barbarism and hostility to which that militias in Aden have reached in dealing with journalists, media professionals and civil activists, and with all who oppose them. They act almost the same as their Houthi counterpart in Sana’a.
Thus, the WJWC calls on all civil and human rights organizations, especially the OHCHR and the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), to express their solidarity in this regard and condemn the grave violations against the press and journalists.
Issued by:
Women Journalists Without Chains
September 9, 2022