Ajlan along with 15 other abductees transferred to militia-held Political Security Prison for interrogation

Ajlan along with 15 other abductees transferred to militia-held Political Security Prison for interrogation

The militias of Houthis and ousted president Ali Saleh have transferred sixteen kidnapped journalists including the colleague, Yusuf Ajlan, to the Political Security Prison in the militia-held capital, Sanaa, a human rights source said on Thursday.

The fellow journalist Ajlan was being held captive in custody of Al Thawrah after he had spent days in a prison affiliated to the criminal investigation unit in Sana’a.

The source pointed out the militias brought the colleague and his fellow prisoners to the Political Security Prison for the purpose of interrogation, adding that they will be returned to where they were.

The former editor at the news site of Almasdaronline was abducted from his home on 13 October because of his work at the website despite the fact that he had quitted his job after the Houthis broke into the website office on March 2015.

Ajlan's relatives tried and still try to persuade Houthi group leaders to release him, but all their efforts so far have led to nothing but mere promises.


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