Houthi militia breaks into Journalists’ offices at Al Thawrah and tampers with contents

Houthi militia breaks into Journalists’ offices at Al Thawrah and tampers with contents

Offices of three journalists at Yemen’s rebel-held official newspaper of Al-Thawra have been broken into by the acting deputy chairman of the board of directors at Al-Thawra media foundation, Osama Sari along with a number of armed escorts who ejected the thee employees from the offices and tampered with contents, according to Yemeni Journalists Syndicate (YJS).

The YJS explained it had received reports from three fellow journalists at Al-Thawra newspaper, namely Mohammad Azizi, Jameel Mufareh and Musa’d Al Madan, who affirmed that the so-called Osama Sari stormed their offices and took the contents outside after they were tampered with.

In a statement issued today, the affiliate of IFJ condemned this misconduct, describing it as irresponsible acts, which have infringed on the professionalism and detracted from journalism ethics at Al-Thawra newspaper ever since the Houthi militia took over in late 2014.

The YJS also called for abiding by the law, institutional regulations and professional norms.


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