Hodeidah University's president threatens YJS’ member

Hodeidah University's president threatens YJS’ member

Yemeni Journalists Syndicate’s Hodeidah branch has announced that its relation officer, Mansour al-Duba’ey was threatened with dismissal for the university by the president of Hodeidah University, Dr. Ahmed al-Da'ar, for publishing a report on two cholera deaths in Ouloufi University Hospital in Yemen’s western port city of Hodeidah.

In a statement released on Thursday, Yemeni Journalists Syndicate explained that al-Duba’ey is facing a threat of dismissal from the media section of Hodeidah University whose president was verbally abusive and insulting to the journalist.

YJS condemned the government official for professional misconduct in dealing with a journalist who has the right to practice his career, pointing out that University’s President had had the right to respond to the news via either his press office or personally, rather than to resort to forms of misbehavior in contravention of norms of academic ethics.

According to YJS’ statement, instructions have been already given by al-Da’ar to dismiss Mansour al-Duba’ey for allegedly publishing press materials against the University and Ouloufi Hospital, considering such a move as a violation of al-Duba’ey’s fundamental right to education.

Yemeni Journalists Syndicate’s statement stressed, "in the event that such move is really done, YJS will stand up to its member in order to sue the president of the university and will not tolerate such reckless behavior."

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