Houthi militia abducts and tortures a journalist’s son

Houthi militia abducts and tortures a journalist’s son

Militiamen of Houthis and ousted president Ali Abdullah Saleh have released the son of the journalist, Tariq Saad, after they kidnapped him from in front of his own home and taken him to an unknown destination where he was tortured.

According to Tariq Saad’s statement, militants belonging to the Houthi militia abducted his son, Suhail, from Andalusia district that is located behind Tawfiq Abdul Raheem’s gas station adjacent to his own home in Yemen’s militia-held capital on the evening of Monday, October 10, 2016 (10:00 pm).

He pointed out that his son was taken to an unknown destination, where he was held until the evening of the second day.

Meanwhile, he continued, the boy was interrogated and forced to sign statements and papers with contents he has no idea about.

The Father explained the militiamen of the Iran-backed Shiite Houthi group, “which called itself Ansar Allah”, subjected his son to various forms of psychological torture and insults.


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