Houthis investigate detained journalists in front of cameras

Houthis investigate detained journalists in front of cameras

Well-informed sources have revealed that militias of the Houthis and ousted President Ali Abdullah Saleh investigated with detained journalists with TV cameramen, though they were investigated dozens of times since they have been detained.

Families of detained journalists expressed fears that the Houthi militias will use these investigations to justify their abduction and torture.
They demanded the United Nations, the legitimate government, rights groups, and journalism syndicates and associations to immediately move forward to save their sons and release them.
It is worth mentioning that the militias abducted 14 journalists before one year and a half. The journalists are: Waheed al-Sufi, Abdul-Khaliq Emran, Salah al-Ka'adi, Tawfeeq al-Mansouri, Esam Bel-Ghaith, Haitham al-Shihab, Hisham al-Yusufi, Hassan Anab, Akram al-Walidi, Hareth Hameed, Ebraheem al-Majdoob, Abdullah al-Munifi and Hussein al-Esi.


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