Popular Forces Union arbitrarily dismiss al-Nasari

Popular Forces Union arbitrarily dismiss al-Nasari

The Popular Forces Union party has arbitrarily dismissed the journalist Waheeb al-Nasri from his work as a managing editor of Sawat al-Shura Online, the mouthpiece of the party.

He was dismissed on charges of his support to the legitimate government and the Arab Coalition, and his opposition to the Houthi militias and ousted President Ali Abdullah Saleh.

The Yemeni Women Journalist stated that it received a complaint from Waheeb al-Nasari, a member of YJS, that he was dismissed from the website which he worked for it five years. He said that his salary was suspended without any legal justification.

Militias of the Houthis and Saeh had suspended the salary of al-Nasari from the Saba News Agency along with other 37 journalists without any justification.

YJS denounces these measures against al-Nasari, demanding to halt such violations and give him his legal rights.
It also calls all parties to not involve journalists in political conflicts and retaliate against them with hunger and exclusion.


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