Tawakkol Karman: February Revolution was our means to take Yemen away from plunging into abyss

Tawakkol Karman: February Revolution was our means to take Yemen away from plunging into abyss

The Nobel-Prize laureate Tawkol Karman has delivered a lecture at Quinnipiac University in New York in which she spoke about her experience in Yemen change. 

"The peaceful 11 February Revolution was our means to take Yemen away from plunging Yemen into abyss. We were standing on the edge of an abyss as a result of the corrupt and totalitarian regime of ousted President Ali Abdullah Saleh.

"The fall of the Houthi fascist coup and counter-revolution is our current strategic objective to restore and build up the state for which the great peaceful February Revolution erupted" Karman continued .

"The revolution taught us that desperation is treachery, and I stress that bloods of revolution's martyrs will not be missing and revolutionists never forget revolution" she added.

Karman emphasized that the great Yemeni people do not know desperation and they will bring their state back.
It is worth reclaiming that Karman on Friday arrived in New York to take part in the events of the World Day of Peace organized by the United Nations.


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