Gunmen shot fire on Yemen Shabab TV in al-Dhala'a

Gunmen shot fire on Yemen Shabab TV in al-Dhala'a

The Yemeni Journalists Syndicate has mentioned that it received a report from Yemen Shabab TV that its reporter in al-Dhala'a Abdul-Aziz al-Laith and cameraman were shot fire on after they were subjected to an attempted assassination.

The TV channel said that one of the channel's crew Tawfeeq Rubaid was injured by gunmen at al-Wateef checkpoint in the west of Qa'atabah district while the crew was heading to prepare a journalism work.

YJS condemned the incident, labeling it as a dangerous and calling the relevant authorities in al-Dhala'a governorate to swiftly probe into the incident, arrest the perpetrators and bring them to justice.

The journalist al-Laith said, in a press release, that gunmen led by Abdul-Malik al-Asahab intercepted the crew of Yemen Shabab at al-Wateef checkpoint, then shot fire on them, wounding one of their companion.

He indicated that the crew was going to prepare to cover the celebrations of Eid al-Adha with fighters of the resistance.

Yemen Shabab strongly condemned the incident, calling al-Dhala'a governor, commanders of the national military and the popular resistance to hold the officials accountable for this "gross" violation.

It also urged the Yemeni Journalist Syndicate and journalists to express their solidarity with Yemen Shabab's crew.

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