Yemen’s Campaign calls for international action against torture in Houthi jails

Yemen’s Campaign calls for international action against torture in Houthi jails

Yemen’s National Campaign Against Torture has called on the United Nations and the Committee Against Torture (CAT) to intervene immediately to stop the torture of prisoners and abductees by the Houthi militia and forces loyal to ousted president Ali Abdullah Saleh allied with it.

In a statement published on, the globe's largest and most powerful online activist network, the campaign has also invited the UN-linked human rights treaty body, CAT, to exert pressure on the Iran-backed Houthi militia and its close ally, ousted president Saleh, to release all detainees in prisons of Houthis and Saleh-affiliated forces and rescue them from severe torture.

According to the statement of the campaign launched by the National Organization for Human Development, both national and international human rights organizations have documented 57 cases of deaths of detainees in prisons of the Houthi militia and forces loyal to the ousted president.

The documented cases, as mentioned in the call, include 26 cases of deaths under torture, while the number is expected to increase due to continuing acts of brutal torture.


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