Houthi militias storm into Alsaaeda Channel in Sana'a

Houthi militias storm into Alsaaeda Channel in Sana'a

Houthi militias on Sunday stormed into the office of Alsaada Channel in Sana'a, and kidnapped its director and a number of staff.

A source of Alsaaeda Channel affirmed that Houthi militias on Sunday broke into the channel's office in Sufan neighborhood, abducted its director Mukhtar al-Qadasi, the production manger Hussein al-Sharafi and the administrative manager Adel al-Awar.

The Houthi militias had closed down the office of Alsaaeda in Sana'a as they took over Sana'a City in September 2014. They also shut down all opposition channels and websites, kidnapped many journalists and put them in jails without trials and charges, and prevented their families from visiting them.


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