Mothers of enforced detainees demand to release sons

Mothers of enforced detainees demand to release sons

Families and relatives of enforced detainees held in private custodies of the Houthi militias and ousted President Ali Abdullah Saleh demonstrated on Tuesday in front of the Attorney General Office in Sana'a City, demanding to release their relatives.

The association of the detained journalists mothers said, in a statement, that the Houthis treat their sons brutally inside their custodies, referring that they are subjected to hunger and torture on a daily basis.

Meanwhile, it is reportedly said that the journalists were transferred into underground custodies in Saadah governorate, in the far north of Yemen.

The stamen held the Houthis and Saleh fully responsible for the deterioration of the detainees' health due their savage treatment, pointing out that the detainees were taken from their houses, jobs and streets, and then were disappeared in underground custodies.

The statement called the international community to express solidarity with the detainees, lift their injustice, release them and ensure their safety.


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